Where am I now? LAT/LONG position today 59.31°N 018.17°E
The middle of June, summer has arrived, and the day to untie from the dock is closing in. There are still some things to organize and fix before that can happen. But the excitement of doing this is growing for each day. I know there will come one day, when all must-do’s can be left behind and it is a go. Just do it. During the trip there are enough things to plan, organize and adjust to keep me busy for the rest of the summer, so no worries.
I am still hoping that some friends and family can join me on parts of the trip. In The Netherlands it is specified that no more than three people may be aboard a yacht at the same time, if they are not members of the same household… My household counts one person, so that rule will be binding. Unless it is changed by the dutch government.