Dwarf amongst the giants

Where am I now? Present position 55°25.6’N 013°48.8’E at Ystad gästhamn

I had a bumpy sail from yesterdays location to Ystad, following the southern coast of Scania. Only 12 nautical miles, but it took a few hours. The wind has calmed quite a bit now, but since the past few days have been very windy, the sea waves were high. Now, in the evening they have also calmed down. It was such a pleasure to feel how Isabell followed over the wave crests. I have since I arrived looked over the boat, went touristing in the old town, and shopping the last food items needed before I leave Sweden. Tomorrow is the big day. I will sail down to the eastern coast of Denmark and follow it to get to the German island of Fehmarn. I cannot go ashore in Denmark, so it will be a while at sea. Denmark is still closed for foreign boats from certain areas.

Here in the guest harbour of Ystad, a lot of Danish boats, some Germans and the rest are Swedish yachts, most of them seem to come from Gothenburg. It is easy to find Isabell in the forest of masts. It is far the shortest mast sticking up, and one of the smallest boats in the harbour. Most other boats are giants. I feel like the little dwarf between a hoard of giants.

The town is much alike the other southern towns, a few shopping streets, some busy squares and a few churches. The church tower near the harbour has bells that play a little rhyme now and then. That is charming.

As I said, I have seen enough of Sweden for a while. Ready to leave. See you on the other side.

Author: captain

Johannes, born in 1960 in Zierikzee, The Netherlands. Owner of S/Y Isabell. Retired environmental toxicologist, now living aboard and sailing south.