Motor sailor Isabell

Now I have reached the end of the canal between the Baltic sea and the north sea, which is actually the start of it. They start counting kilometers from here, Brunsbuttel. On this trip the wind was low and the weather fantastic. Warm, sunny. Traffic on the canal varied between the moments I felt I had it to myself, and sometimes ships and yachts came from both sides at once. Then the canal suddenly felt small and too thin.

The whole passage is 98 kilometers of motoring. And there was not a single tank station along the way. I was uncertain about how much fuel I had and it was stressful to worry about the consequences of a fuel deficiency. Ahhgh! But I got here. Then in this huge harbour there is only one gas station for yachts. And it is closed most of the time. So, upon my late arrival last night I took my spare gas can and biked to the nearest gas station in town. Now I feel better. Don’t want to run out when there is no wind.

At the moment I am waiting for the sluices to wake up on a Sunday morning. Not much happening here. Patience. See you on the other side.

Author: captain

Johannes, born in 1960 in Zierikzee, The Netherlands. Owner of S/Y Isabell. Retired environmental toxicologist, now living aboard and sailing south.