Today I had some help from another friendly Monsun owner to step down the mast off Isabell. Yesterday I removed the cables and radar dome from the mast, stripping it clean to be removed. Took down the sails as well, which was lucky. Today the wind was very strong, and blowing directly off the lake into the harbour. Quite a blow. But yesterday, as I worked the sails and stripped the mast, the weather was calm and beautiful.
The mast came off and Isabell raised about 20 cm from the water surface. I can see that this summers many miles has done a polishing job on the underwater hull. Alot of the red paint is missing.
On Tuesday, October 20th, Isabell is lifted onto the hard. And the sailing season has come to an end. Now the time starts to do some serious maintenance jobs. Another pleasant part of owning a boat. And the atmosphere at the boat club, in spite of COVID19 issues, is generous as always. Nonetheless, always a bit sad to come to this point of lifting Isabell on the hard.